creation-et-gestion-dune-collection - Normandie Université Access content directly

A HAL collection is a customizable web site which allows you to group the publications around a perimeter that we define. Generally used for a laboratory, a collection can also be created for a research team, a review, an ANR project, etc.

A HAL laboratory collection allows you to value the scientific production of the members of your laboratory but also to use ExtrHAL - a tool connected to HAL - to create personalized bibliographical reports like HCERES.

The support unit of HAL Normandie Université assists you in the creation and the management of your collection.

Creation and training

The support unit of HAL Normandie Université assists the structures of research in the creation of their collection. Since 2018, a collection creation charter is in place at Normandie Université. This charter allows formalising the setting up of the collection and the services from which the structures can benefit.

In order to carry out the creation and monitoring of the collection, an adviser for the structure must be appointed. The support unit will provide a one-day training course for this person, consisting of:
    Context of Open Access;
    Account, profile, IdHAL and deposit in HAL;
    The parameter setting of a collection;
    Presentation of tools allowing to reuse the data of HAL for reports or to feed a web site.

The structure of research commits itself to feed its collection regularly.

The Charter
