Dimensional crossover in ultrathin buried conducting SrVO3 layers
The structure and resistive properties of buried SrVO3 layers between two insulating LaVO3 layers are investigated by varying the thickness of the SrVO3 layers between 3 and 35 monolayers. The thickest SrVO3 layer shows a bulklike metallic behavior, while in the thinnest SrVO3 layer, a weak localization regime is observed below 100 K manifesting a logarithmic temperature dependence. Angular-dependent magnetoresistance measurements indicate a cylindric shape of the Fermi surface, and therefore a two-dimensional transport in the thinnest buried SrVO3 layer. The modification of the charge carrier properties by the reduced thickness of the SrVO3 layer are furthermore underlined by the appearance of a relatively strong positive magnetoresistance under a magnetic field perpendicular to the sample surface. The present study therefore highlights a way to synthesize oxide electrodes with reduced dimension for future oxide electronics application. © 2015 American Physical Society.