index - Gamétogenèse et Qualité des Gamètes

Welcome in the collection of EA 4308

The research team EA 4308 "Gametogenesis and Gamete Quality" is a team in network between Université de Rouen Normandie and Université de Lille 2. This team, led by Professor Nathalie Rives (PU-PH, Rouen) and co-led by Doctor Valérie Mitchell (MCU-PH, Lille), was created ex nihilo in 2008. This research unit brings together medical doctors or pharmacists - teacher-researchers, involved in the theme "Reproduction". The two main axes of the laboratory are: (i) in vitro and in vivo spermatogenesis and (ii) gamete quality (quality of human spermatozoa - oocyte-follicle dialogue).

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HAL referent in the laboratory:
Christine Rondanino
Tel.: + 33 2 35 14 82 94

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